Ways to Serve
We are a body of many parts designed to serve Christ together. Whether it be through what you do or what you give, Calvary has a place for you to serve.
Our Sunday moring worship is one of our biggest areas of need. From greeting visitors to providing altar flowers, we appreciate the opportunity to serve with you.
Pick up and wear a greeter lanyard from behind the connection. Stand at the sanctuary door and greet people with a smile! Pass our bulletins and/or Sunday and Beyond.
Calvary continues to be an open and welcoming place for all of God’s people to gather. We are also aware of our responsibility to be observant of our surroundings. Toward that effort, we invite those who would serve the church in this way to join the Layered Greeting Ministry.
Communion served by intinction: Following the Lord’s Prayer, the Pastor will invite the servers to come forward. Each server will receive hand sanitizer and either a loaf of bread or a chalice. You and a partner will be sent to a specific station in the church.
Lay Readers will present a reading, prayer or litany during the services on Sunday morning. You will be given the information before you are scheduled to read. Please contact Susan Roberts at if you have any questions. Thank you.
Please sign up to be an Acolyte at the 9:20 a.m. service. Training will be provided. Contact Brandy Clark with any questions.
Order flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one. Flowers are $30 for each arrangement. Please drop a check in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or in the church office during the week. Please indicate altar flowers in the memo line. You may take flowers home after the 11:00 a.m. service. If you’d like to order flowers for a date that is already filled, please call the church office at 301-829-0358.
Light the Hunger Candle in honor or in memory of loved ones or for a prayer concern and help feed the hungry. Cost is $10. Please drop a check in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or in the church office during the week. Please indicate Hunger Candle in the memo line. If you’d like to light the candle for a date that is already filled, please call the church office at 301-829-0358.