Calvary UMC affirms the basic tenets of the Christian faith professed in the historic creeds of the church and affirmed by the churches of many traditions around the globe. As United Methodists, we have inherited a rich tradition rooted in the theology of John Wesley.
Below you will find a brief statement of our Christian faith. You can learn more about the specific of United Methodist belief, tradition, and history here: http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe
As United Methodists we are a connectional church. Every year pastors and lay members of all 641 churches in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference meet for worship, planning, visioning, and doing the business of the church.
The Trinity
We believe in the one true, and living God, who exists in three separate persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God the Father
God created all that is out of love and continues to show us love and grace.
God the Son
God became flesh in Jesus Christ in whose life, death, and resurrection we find hope, forgiveness, and salvation.
God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God at work in the world and in us, inspiring, guiding, empowering, and transforming.
Human Beings
Though made in the image of God, all of us are sinners in need of God’s grace.
The Church
We need a community of faith to support us, pray for us, encourage and challenge us, and help us to grow in our walk with Jesus.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice.
We are saved by God’s grace alone. We respond to that grace through faithful living.
Baptism and Holy Communion are both sacraments, outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace.
Kingdom of God
While Jesus showed us glimpses of the Kingdom of God and we continue to catch glimpses where God’s will is done, the complete restoration of creation is yet to come.