7:00 p.m. MORE Service
Second, Third and Fourth Wednesdays of Each Month
MORE is a relaxed (come as you are) midweek service held on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. This midweek service incorporates a multi-sensory approach to help feed your spirit and grow closer to God.
Every month we focus on a passage of scripture, experiencing it in different ways thoughout the month. On the 2nd Wednesday, we have scripture, music, visuals and prayer in the sanctuary. On the 3rd Wednesday, we have scripture, prayer and activities for our young and young at heart in the chapel. Finally, on the 4th Wednesday we have scripture, prayers and reflection in a cafe/fellowship atmosphere in the lobby.
Sometimes we just need a little MORE to get us through the week!